Trusted by thousands of modern software teams
Automate busy work with our GitHub and GitLab Integrations
Our best in class integrations with GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket help your engineering teams streamline their workflow and stay focused.
  • Keep your terminal and Shortcut in sync
  • Customizable GitHelpers
  • Smarter controls with open work auto-detection
  • Draft PR support
  • GitHub Autolink Support
  • Control over Story-level updates
  • Avoid merge conflicts and duplicative code
...and lots more!
Epic and Iteration Automations
Use Automations to automate routine tasks so your team doesn’t have to think about them. Spend more energy on strategic work, and leave the repetitive stuff to us.
  • Auto-start and auto-complete an Epic
  • Auto-create future Iterations
  • Move unfinished Stories to the next Iteration