Automate your workflow with the Bitbucket Cloud and Shortcut integration
Save time, reduce context switching, and improve collaboration and clarity throughout your organization with the new Shortcut and Bitbucket Cloud integration.
Save time and reduce context switching
Use the Shortcut and Bitbucket Cloud integration to reduce the number of status meetings, daily email follow-ups, and copy-pasting tasks from one tool to another. Link your work in Bitbucket Cloud to the Shortcut Stories you are working on without leaving your command line in the following ways:
- Stay in your workflow with specially formatted commit messages. Associate a commit to one or multiple Stories for insight into work in progress, right in your Stories. More information on how to associate commits to a Story here.
- Get to work more quickly with branch naming conventions to automatically connect and track the status of pull requests. When a branch is associated with a Story, you can open a PR from Shortcut to make updates seamlessly. More information on how to connect your branch here.
Bitbucket Cloud and Shortcut integration branch association
Automate your workflow and improve visibility throughout your organization.
By automating the flow of information between Bitbucket Cloud and Shortcut, your organization will have better visibility into work and be able to to make better decisions and have more productive conversations.
- Give your colleagues accurate and immediate visibility into the status of your work in a Story by associating a pull request with a Story, both when the PR is opened and after the fact. More details on how to associate a pull request here.
- Automatically update the Story States while working in Bitbucket through the use of Workflow triggers and event handlers. More information on setting up Bitbucket Event Handlers can be found here.
Get your Bitbucket Cloud integration set up today
To get set up with the new Bitbucket Cloud integration, have the admin or owner of your Organization enable the integration and connect your Bitbucket Cloud account to your Shortcut Workspace! Detailed instructions can be found here.
Happy Creating!