Let Automations do the busy work so you can focus on the work you love
Imagine a world where Iterations are auto-created and unfinished Stories automatically move to the next Iteration. Don't stop there... what if Epic status is updated "automagically" based on Story status?
Well, imagine no more! Automations are now a reality in Shortcut. Our Automations help teams automate repetitive tasks when it comes to managing Iterations and Epics so you can spend more time on high-value work like strategy and creative thinking. Read on to see how Automations work in Shortcut!
See Iteration and Epic Automations in action
Epic Automations - Auto Start and Auto Complete an Epic
- When switched on, Stories being moved from 'Not Started' to 'Started' will automatically move the Epic to 'In Development'.
- When switched on, all Stories being moved to a 'Done' state will automatically move the Epic State to 'Done'.
Note: Epic Automation affect the entire workspace.
Iteration Automations

- Auto-create future Iterations: When an Iteration for a team completes, this automation will automatically create a set number of future iterations as long as they do not already exist.
- Move unfinished Stories to next Iteration: When a new Iteration is automatically created, any unfinished Stories from the previous iteration will be moved into it.
Note: Iteration Automations are configured by Team
Setting up Automations
Epic and Itertons Automations are configured in the Settings section and are available to Team, Business, and Enterprise Plans.
Other Automations in Shortcut
In addition to this new release check out all the things you can automated in Shortcut by visiting these pages
Or watch this video!
We hope you love all the Automations and they make your experience in Shortcut zippy, fast and enjoyable!